18 June 2011

There and Back Again

So, you may have noticed that this blog stopped abruptly in May of 2009. I attempted to log in one day and found Blogger was blocked. It remained so for the rest of my semester in Beijing, and honestly, once I was back in the States I never did get around to "wrapping up" my blog. Now it is 2011, and I am looking forward to my return to China: this time as a college graduate with a job and a year-long contract. It's going to be a whole new ballgame this time around, as I will be living in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou. New challenges, (teaching ESL! the heat! monsoon season! Cantonese!),  new experiences (monsoon season! Cantonese! Cantonese food! teaching little kids!), and new perspectives: it's going to be a heck of a ride.

And if Blogger is still blocked? Well, I'll figure out something.